Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ass girl here!

OK, I know the title sounds obscene. But Slate has an article about asses and how they are, or aren't, in fashion. I'm 100% Italian (my father's family is from Naples, mother's from Sicily), and I can relate to Kim K:
Putative high-school photos circulating on the Internet purport to show that Kardashian was born with a more pedestrian figure. Kim says otherwise in the King report: "I'm Armenian; you should see all the women in my family. The women have bigger breasts and bigger butts. That's how I was born."

If I was a bit older I'd say "Go girl!!!" Kim is right on. I'm Italian, and I have that sort of figure (or in that direction). It's in my genes/jeans :-) That being said, since I moved from Mass. to the western USA I feel a bit like a walking freak, everyone is so long and stretched out (unless they're flat, in which case they are just round all around).

But I do have to agree with this:
Coco aside, other evidence indicates that the pendulum may be swinging back to the small-if-perky behind. According to a recent survey, women asked what they'd want if they could have any beauty treatment were three times more likely to choose vaginal lip trimming over buttock implants and 50 times more likely to prefer the permanent removal of body hair.

No, not the part about lips-down-under, the body hair part. Shaving is a total drag; I'd trade a cup-size in a heart beat to not have to deal with that.


Ogden Salti said...

OK, whose fake blog is this? Razib? Agnostic?

Purple Yellow Floral said...

Ah. OK. You must be from Gene Expressions. That was the first blog where I left a link in the comments! No I'm not fake but you won't believe me so why should I care?

agnostic said...

It does seem odd that a female would use the term "ass girl"...

Also, I'm pretty sure the profile pic is of Franchezca Valentina, an adult film star. But she never claimed it was her own either.

Purple Yellow Floral said...

Gross!!! OK, that isn't my picture (obviously). I just found something off google that was ***NOT*** a porn pic after doing some google searches for Italian American Girls. But I guess even the non-porn pictures are of porn stars! You learn something new everyday.